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The nuts and bolts of the Initiative process itself

A few questions on the process were raised by the MVSD Board and Superintendent. Of course there are many important questions – about the process, legality, wording, and legal impact of this draft initiative. In other words if they were to “endorse” this draft initiative what are they signing on to? This is a very […]

Initiative Abolishing the School Levy will need School District support

Initiative Abolishing the School Levy will need School District support Levies are a local civil war in every school district year after year, state wide. The pass rate of Idaho levies is fairly high, but the constant uncertainty makes school planning and administration inefficient, difficult and stressful. Levy supporters rightly complain that of the fifty […]

School Levy vs School Initiative

It would be nice to end the annual civil war wouldn’t it? “…the Mountain View School District 244 board of trustees voted unanimously to hold a two-year $2.9 million levy in May… details next week’s paper” We already know the details; there will be sound reasons for wanting more funding for the schools. We also […]

Memo – “School Funding in Idaho – a Festering Problem”

Written by Citizen Joshua Palken – in Support of Citizen’s Initiative to Abolish Local Funding of Public Schools The“Abolish Levies and Bonds Measure” Preface Dear Fellow Citizens: I am a retired attorney willing to donate my time to improving the quality of life here in Idaho. I am sick and tired of the division and […]

Draft Initiative Petition

DRAFT INITIATIVE PETITION (2-28-2024) To the Honorable Phil McGrane, Secretary of State of the State of Idaho: We, the undersigned citizens and qualified electors of the State of Idaho, respectfullydemand that the following proposed law… WARNING It is a felony for anyone to sign any initiative petition with any name other than his own, or […]

Letter in Objection to McColloch Variance Application.

July 29, 2023 To: Kathy AckermanFrom: Joshua PalkenCc: Mr. Matt Jessup Re: Objection to McColloch variance application. It does not comply with the law – see below. (4 pages total) So we now have two (more) variance applications before the Board on the 8/1/23 agenda. (McColloch and Anderson) Perhaps some of you read my letter […]

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