The Draft Initiative

The Draft Initiative is NOT against school funding. It is intended to oppose the levy as the way to fund schools in the State of Idaho. Levies are unreasonable, unreliable and most importantly unconstitutional. The goal of the Initiative is to REPLACE it with permanent stable funding from the State of Idaho.

The Idaho Constitution Section 1, article IX provides that: “The stability of a republican form of government depending mainly upon the intelligence of the people, it shall be the duty of the legislature of Idaho, to establish and maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools.”

Draft Initiative Petition

DRAFT INITIATIVE PETITION (2-28-2024) To the Honorable Phil McGrane, Secretary of State of the State of Idaho: We, the undersigned citizens and qualified electors of

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IDAHO School Funding Reform

April 29, 2024 To: Idaho SOS – 4-29-2024 reply to AG Final Draft From: Joshua Palken Re: Comments from AG on Initiative petition We are

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Author Info: Joshua Palken

Joshua Palken is a retired attorney and resident of Elk City, Idaho, IDAHO COUNTY

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