Editorial from Representative Heather Scott, District 2

April 1, 2024

The 2024 Idaho legislative session has finally come to an end!  As a member of the Idaho Freedom Caucus (IDFC), I joined other IDFC members at the beginning of this legislative session in publicly pledging a commitment to you to protect the freedoms and liberties of all Idaho citizens. 

It’s my honor to serve, and I am providing this Legislative Summary for you to see IDFC’s triumphs and challenges from the last three months while the Legislature was in session.

Idaho Freedom Caucus member goals and our sponsored bills to reach those goals.

Protect Constitutional Rights

Fiscal Responsibility, Transparency, and Accountability

Restoring Quality Education

Supporting and Protecting Families and Children

Other good bills that public/private Idaho Freedom Caucus Members sponsored, co-sponsored, or supported. 

Morality, Wokeness, and Social Issues

Protection of Rights and Religious Freedoms

Changes to Employment and Public Health Programs

Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement and Immigration

Elections, Taxes, and Finance Policies

Other legislation you should know about.

All bills and their status can be viewed at this link:  https://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2024/legislation/

A couple of things to note about the success, failure, and trends in the Idaho Legislature.

A Note from Heather Scott:

As the House Chair of the Idaho Freedom Caucus, I couldn’t be more proud of the tireless efforts of this legislative team. Truly, this group of legislators is the best I’ve worked with in my time as a public servant.

I’m personally asking for you to show them that you’re in support of their diligent efforts.

Please donate $25, $50, $100, or $500 to the Idaho Freedom Caucus PAC today. The election is right around the corner and every dollar we raise will go directly to re-electing the good folks on this team!

I encourage you to stay engaged throughout the summer and fall.  Consider hosting a local event or a BBQ and inviting local elected officials and candidates.  The more you interact with them, the better you can help them.  Idaho Freedom Caucus members are willing to show up and share our vision for Idaho or discuss legislative ideas. And don’t forget to show up for local and regional government meetings to keep an eye on what is going on.

We are eager to continue to make Idaho great again, but we can’t do it without your participation!

In Liberty,      

Rep. Heather Scott, Co-Chair
Member of Idaho Freedom Caucus

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